IBLA 2023: Azim Premji receives a Hall of Fame award as the former chairman of Wipro

Since assuming management of Wipro, Azim Premji has expanded the business from making vegetable oil to offering consulting, software development, and IT services. Premji is a well-known philanthropist in India as well since he has donated a sizeable portion of his profits to charitable organizations.

Azim Premji, a prominent business mogul in India and the former chairman of Wipro Limited, requires no introduction. Premji, who was born on July 24, 1945, is sometimes referred to as the Czar of the Indian IT sector.

Premji was a Bombay (now Mumbai) native, the son of renowned businessman Mohamed Premji. The Rice King of Burma was another title given to Mohamed Premji.
In 1966, Premji was 21 years old when his father unexpectedly passed away, leaving him the ownership of Wipro. At the time, he was about to finish his engineering degree at Stanford University but opted to delay it. In 1999, Premji eventually finished his studies thanks to a distant learning program.

Wipro is one of the leading software service firms in India.
Premji is also a well-known philanthropist in India, having donated a considerable portion of his profits to charitable organizations.
Premji emerged as the most giving Indian and topped the charity statistics in FY20 and FY21, contributing Rs 22 crore or Rs 7,904 crore per day, while in FY21, Premji contributed Rs 9,713 crore or Rs 27 crore per day.
According to the India Philanthropy Report 2023 by Dasra and Bain & Co., Premji fell to second place in FY22 with an annual gift of Rs 484 crore.

Since Azim Premji took over Wipro, he has expanded the company’s offerings beyond vegetable oil to IT services, software solutions, and consulting services.
Premji is well-known for his charitable contributions. So far, he has donated $21 billion to his charity organization. When the country experienced the first wave of the epidemic in 2020, the Azim Premji Foundation committed $150 million to victims of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Azim Premji passed over the keys of his firm to his son, Rishad Premji, in 2019. He is presently the company’s executive chairman.
Forbes assessed his net worth to be $ 9.1 billion as of May 2023, ranking him 223rd in the world.

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